As I arrived in Berlin yesterday I was afraid I might not feel at home, but surprisingly I do. The people are extremely open minded and do not seem to judge anyone for anything. It is an amazing feeling to be thousands of miles away from home and still feel the sense that you just belong. Customs are different in Berlin, but that is part of the charm. It is common to see prostitutes at night lined along the streets and no one makes a deal about it. I hailed a cab last night to venture out on my own for a bit and my driver asked if I was "working". I have never been asked a question such as that, but you take it with stride and just laugh it off. I found it entertaining that a question like that is asked as though someone is simply asking what your name or favorite color is. If this was my first night to go out I am curious to see what else Berlin has to show me.
Need some more blogs!! Interesting first one.